Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2022

28 February – 6 March 2022

Did you know that the average GP receives less than 2 hours training on eating disorders in their entire medical degree and a fifth of UK medical schools don’t provide any training on eating disorders at all? A GP’s role is crucial in spotting early warning signs and lack of training is unacceptable. It’s delayed access to treatment and led to misdiagnosis of eating disorders for years.

This Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Beat are campaigning for all UK medical schools and foundation programmes to introduce proper training on eating disorders. The Charity has developed clear and comprehensive courses for medical students, which some schools have started to teach, but it’s time for ALL medical schools to offer proper training on eating disorders.

For ways to support the campaign, check out their website. You’ll also find out more information about the medical training they’ve developed over there.

My GP was the first point of call when I needed help. It was her compassion, kindness and ability to listen and probe sensitively and tactfully, that became the catalyst for a journey and help that I didn’t even know I needed. GPs are not always the easiest people to speak to, but when it works, the outcome can be life changing. I shared on Beat’s blog that my only regret about treatment is that I didn’t access it sooner.

Healthy London Partnership

If you received my email or read the post about my Good News, you’ll know that I joined Healthy London Partnership (HLP) as a Lived Experience Practitioner on their Adult Eating Disorders Programme. As a born and raised Londoner, it’s great to contribute my experience towards the common aim of making London the healthiest global city.

For me, being part of this work with HLP has made Eating Disorders Awareness Week very interesting. I’ve had the opportunity to take part in podcasts and contribute to their blog. So, not only has it been great to share some of my experiences, but it’s been enlightening to hear from others too. Head on over to their website to check it all out.

So, what can you expect from The Fat.Ugly Blog during Eating Disorders Awareness Week this year?

Well, first of all, we have to celebrate the significance of this moment; a year ago I went public with the blog and my diagnosis for the first time and I survived! I’m still here … the blog is still here … we’re still here! *Loud cheers and hi-fives*

It’s also the perfect moment to share the vision I’ve been working on to shape and drive the blog going forward. Your comments, suggestions and feedback are appreciated, so please feel free to drop me a message if you have anything to share.

This year I’ve focused on contributing to the conversation over at Healthy London Partnership, so I’ll be encouraging you to check out that content throughout the week. Keep an eye out on your inbox and social media channels for my reminders – If you’re not on the mailing list yet, come on in and join us.

I’ll also be basking in the last couple of weeks before my 40th birthday!! *Eeeek* Reflecting and giving thanks for healing, recovery and being me … it’s never too late to be who you always wanted to be!

Much love and hugs,

Anny xx

UPDATE: Things change and my plans for Eating Disorders Awareness Week turned out somewhat different than expected. Check out my post about what happened instead.

If you require advice and support, please contact the Beat Helplines

Helplines are open 365 days a year from 9am-midnight during the week, and 4pm-midnight on weekends and bank holidays