
Did I mention that I’m an Author?

Writing has helped me to process thoughts, feelings and experiences and I’ve learned lessons and found personal growth that could be encouraging for you too. I’ve shared some of my books here for you.

The Worst Book I’ll Ever Write

If you struggle with what I call ‘perfectionitis’, this quick read is the pep talk that’ll put a spring back in your step. When over-thinking gets in the way of you getting things done, the words I share in this book will release you of the pressure to be perfect and the unrealistic expectation you put on yourself to do everything ‘right’. I had a simple goal to overcome writers block and get my first book written, which I did, but even people who had no intention of writing (or reading) a book, found it motivating.

Binge Eating Disorder symptoms can be worsened by a history of perfectionism and it’s discouraging to feel like the condition is getting in the way of living the life you want, watching opportunities pass you by. The 5 star reviews and feedback I received after publishing the book, is evidence that perfection is overrated, so have a read and see what small imperfect step you can make today.

Buy Paperback or on Kindle from Amazon UK HERE

Buy Paperback or on Kindle from Amazon HERE

Give it a KISS

Life happens. And it’s ok to slow down and give yourself time to recover from hard stuff. It’s something I had to do when I returned from New York City in 2015. Give it a KISS is my story of working as a Sales Assistant at the Gap store in central London and discovering the beauty in simplicity, as I processed painful memories from living in the big apple.

Recovery takes time and you are worth the time and space it takes to work through it. In this book you’ll see an example of what that looked like for me and why it’s good for the soul to rest and release.

Buy Paperback or on Kindle from Amazon UK HERE

Buy Paperback or on Kindle from Amazon HERE

Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired – eBook (pdf)

Have you ever given your younger self advice? How about written it down? In 2014, I did just that and published it as an ebook, Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired. I shared 12 golden nuggets of advice that I would’ve given to the younger Me sitting at her desk, knowing there was more to life than what she was experiencing, but not knowing how to transition in to it.

Can you relate? You might not always feel like you know how to get from where you are, to where you want to be, but that’s why we share wisdom and lessons with one another. That’s what you’ll find in this ebook.

Buy Now from Officially Anny Here

Project 183 – eMagazine (pdf)

More stories, more experiences, more lessons, more wisdom. Collated in to an eMagazine. Articles that tell my stories and share my experiences of resilience and self-discovery; examples of how you can turn any situation and life event in to a great learning experience.

What’s intended to destroy you, may just be the gift that helps you to discover more about who you are and bring out the beautiful character in you.

TRIGGER WARNING: I talk openly in an article about my weight, my body and share pictures. If this is triggering for you, please keep yourself safe and do not buy.

Buy Now from Officially Anny HERE


Being Binge Free

What does recovery really look and feel like?

Is it never eating too many cakes ever again? How many is too many? Maybe it’s becoming the life and soul of the party and never turning down an invite?

If you want to know what ‘Being Binge Free’ means for me, it’ll all be clearly (and simply) described in this book.

In the Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Guide I share the practical steps and thoughts that helped me along my recovery journey. In this book, you’ll read more about how I ended up being diagnosed and a whole lot more about the recovery mindset I had to develop, to fully own my recovery and walk away from binge eating disorder once and for all.

Together, Being Binge Free and the Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Guide document the changes I had to make to recover and I hope they inspire you to believe that you can too.

Download your free copy of the Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Guide and join the mailing list to be updated about the release of Being Binge Free.